Code of Criminal Procedure of 2006 (in Arabic only)
Code of Criminal Procedure of 2001
Procedural Rules of 2013 (in Arabic only)
Military Penal Code of 2002 (in Arabic only)
Code of Military Procedure of 2002 (in Arabic only)
Antiterrorism Law of 2014 (in Arabic only)
Juvenile Law of 2014 (in Arabic only)
Law on Societies of 2009 (in Arabic only)
Money Laundering Law of 2007 (in Arabic only)
Press and Publications Law of 1998, 1999, 2010 (in Arabic only)
Information System Crimes Law of 2010 (in Arabic only)
Reform and Rehabilitation Centers Law of 2004 (in Arabic only)
High Criminal Court Law of 1986 (in Arabic only)
Hugh Court of Justice Law of 2000 (in Arabic only)
Law on Formation of Military Courts of 2002 (in Arabic only)
Law on Formation of Military Courts of 2006 (in Arabic only)
State Security Court Law of 1959
State Security Court Law amended, 2001(in Arabic only)
National Centre for Human Rights Law of 2006
Human Rights Action Plan of 2016 (in Arabic only)